Here is a short list of all addons and extensions I have created for Firefox, Chrome, Opera as well as for other browsers that use their extension repositories. If you need a new one, I can create it for you for a small price. Feel free to contact me.

Youtube Skip Sign-in
Automatically close the big and intrusive "Sign in to YouTube" pop-up.
Available for Firefox and Chrome / Yandex Browser / Edge / Brave / Kiwi / Opera / Vivaldi.

Restricted Mode: On
No more inappropriate content on Youtube for your children! This extension automatically enables restricted mode on Youtube and hides the toggle option.
Available for Firefox and Chrome / Yandex Browser / Edge / Brave / Kiwi / Opera / Vivaldi.

Youtube's Annotations No More
Disable annoying Youtube's annotations.
Available for Firefox and Chrome / Yandex Browser / Edge / Brave / Kiwi / Opera / Vivaldi.

Autoplay No More
Disable "play next video" feature on Youtube, TED, Bing and Vimeo.
Available for Firefox and Chrome / Yandex Browser / Edge / Brave / Kiwi / Opera / Vivaldi.